

今年秋天启动的一项新的学习计划正在吸引整个大学的本科生对种族进行革命性的理解, 种族主义和种族平等,并为他们提供开拓前进道路的技能.

Cherie Ndaliko in the field of the Uzuri Sanctuary.
Cherie Ndaliko on her “freedom farm,” Uzuri Sanctuary. (photo courtesy of Cherie Ndaliko)


她还记得在一次Zoom班级会议上,她能够确认詹姆斯·亨特在世后裔的细节, who was a member of the Norlina 18, 1921年,一群黑人在沃伦县为保护家人而发生枪战后被捕. Two of those men (not Hunter) were later lynched.

In the First Year Seminar “By Persons Unknown: Race and Reckoning in North Carolina,在人类学副教授格伦·欣森(Glenn Hinson)的课堂上,学生们正试图对所展开的故事进行更准确的叙述之前 的私刑, 更完整地讲述当时暴力事件的历史. And they are sharing those family stories with surviving relatives.

“I was shaking that day,赛义德说。, who is a neuroscience major from Concord. “这是一把双刃剑. 虽然太阳城娱乐新信息令人兴奋,但它也带来了沉思和反思. This event happened in North Carolina, so you would think there would have been some mention of it in my high school, but I had not heard about the Norlina 18 at all. 通过揭露不为人知的故事,我们给了人们一份被剥夺的遗产.”

“未知人物”是北卡罗来纳大学非裔美国人研究所新推出的众多课程之一, Student Learning to Advance Truth and Equity, or IAAR-SLATE该网站于今年秋天推出. IAAR-SLATE builds on the College of 艺术 & 科学的2019年清算:种族,记忆和重新想象公立大学倡议. Led by IAAR director Karla Slocum, the initiative focuses on engaging students in learning about race, racism and racial equity through three core components: 课程, re太阳城娱乐城 and community engagement.

二十多个 课程 for fall and spring stretch across the University, and students are connected by shared assignments and events.

“We received fascinating course proposals from journalism, 业务, education and nursing as well as the College of 艺术 & 科学,安娜·阿格比-戴维斯说, faculty teaching director for the initiative and associate professor of anthropology. “看到这么多教师对这些对我们社会如此重要的问题进行批判性思考,并将其融入到他们的课程中,我感到很鼓舞.”

Studying the past to understand the present

欣森的第一年研讨会是他教的另一门课“南方遗产:后裔项目”的产物.在《太阳城娱乐》中,” which he will teach again in the spring as part of IAAR-SLATE, students have been interviewing living descendants of 1921 Warren County lynching victims Plummer Bullock and Alfred Williams and working with the county on ways to memorialize the victims.

In this semester’s “By Persons Unknown” class, 欣森通过记录私刑发生前充满种族主义色彩的故事,继续与沃伦县进行深入的社区接触. Students have discovered that a white mob threatened Black residents in Norlina, who then armed themselves to try to protect members of their community. 其中18名黑人被逮捕并投入监狱,布洛克和威廉姆斯被处以私刑. 该课程正在努力确定诺琳娜18人在世的后代和他们之间的联系.

“家庭正在太阳城娱乐他们不知道的关于他们祖先的故事——高尚的故事,欣森说. “These men put their lives on the line to try to protect their families. When there were inquests into lynchings across the South, 不仅没有人受到指控, 但警方报告和报纸报道通常都声称,这些谋杀是由“不明身份的人”实施的.’”

学生们还通过奴隶制的镜头研究了沃伦县复杂的种族历史, 监狱“锁链”,白人至上俱乐部, the Great Migration and other topics. Before the pandemic hit last spring, 该课程的前一次迭代访问了该县的关键地点,这些地点是1921年事件的一部分, and they confronted issues of enslavement at Cherry Hill Plantation.

This semester’s class heard from guest speaker Doris T. Williams, a resident of Warren County who was the child of sharecroppers.

“Dr. Williams told us the one thing she wanted youth to remember is that everything happening now is not anything new; it’s the continuation of what has happened 之前, and that struck a chord with me,赛义德说。. “我们必须考虑到制度化的种族主义,我们必须解决它. We are learning about heavy topics in real time in this class.”


“社会地理:激进黑人思想”课程的学生正在探索激进黑人理论, action and imagination in a course led by Chérie Rivers Ndaliko.

“这门课程的想法是接受激进的黑人思想家和艺术家提出的想法,并重新设想在文化上组织自己的方式, 经济上和政治上,恩达利科说. 恩达利科是一名地理学副教授,同时也是yol大学的研究和教育主任! 非洲. 该组织由国际知名的电影制作人佩特纳·恩达利科·卡顿多洛(她的丈夫)创立,目的是让刚果东部的年轻人在致命的冲突中茁壮成长,为他们提供创造性的空间.

恩达利科作为一名参与全球事务的学者和活动家的角色一直紧密地交织在一起, but she is putting thought into action quite literally in her own backyard. She and her husband have created a “freedom farm” in Orange County.

“我们在我们居住的土地上建造的农场叫做Uzuri Sanctuary,”Ndaliko说. “We started with three modest ambitions: First, to cultivate at least 80% of the food we consume as a family of six. 第二个, 把我和我丈夫从小接受的黑人和土著农业方法付诸实践. 和第三, 让它成为任何想要学习这些培养和可持续发展方法的人的教学空间.明年春天,她将开设一门服务学习课程GEOG 232,重点是自由农业.

小福塔·莫图, a global studies major from Mooresville, was inspired by the class to create a garden with her father in their backyard. Before moving to North Carolina from New York nine years ago, she remembers growing up with a childhood garden.

莫图从这门课程中得到的一个重要收获是恩达利科在教学大纲中提出的一个观点——学生花时间进行自我照顾, a concept especially important during these challenging times.

“It may not seem ‘radical’ by the popular definition, 但优先考虑我们的幸福是激进的,因为这是拒绝在一个经常期望相反的世界里把待办事项清单放在我们自己的人性之前,莫图说, who is on the pre-med track and also pursuing minors in chemistry and Arabic. “如果我们不首先去殖民化自己的思想,不质疑我们已经习惯认为正常的事情,我们就永远无法实现系统性变革.”

Students in the course are building an online resource that includes lesson plans, 分析, 个人反思等等.

“I’m asking them some big questions in this course,恩达利科说. “我非常努力地促使他们思考这与他们自己的生活和行为的相关性,以及他们在世界上前进的道路.”

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